Each pay day we often see in magazines and newspapers about the new discount goods, fancy, nice and cheap. Sophisticated gadgets were sold in a free and cheap with discount prices like crazy, and it is very dangerous for our budget. in this article I will discuss some tips to help you how to budget your money and get out of the trap expenditure.
First, If you receive a raise or you get a job that pays higher than the previous company and you begin to spend or change your life immediately. you do not have to change your lifestyle, such as new houses, new cars, and baranga things that you never have, it will only add to your burden alone, if done with a credit, then getting crushed just your life, if you stay on company, if not how? then do it appropriately, and think of all you will spend.
Second, understand how to move money, money in and money out. Subtract the money out then you will be safe, add the money goes then you will prosper. imagine if the money your consumption reduced by 25% than normal, then the money you are also increasing revenue instead. Do it gradually, because no one instant in terms of finances.
Finally, As in my previous article titled Household Budget Layout, use it, and always add a larger emergency fund and savings, then you will be individuals who are happy and a happy family.