Using a credit card for an emergency fund is a relatively new idea, because the use of credit cards in 1980 was popular in Europe and the United States. Before the era that people still like to set up an emergency fund by setting aside money in a savings account, in a secret place, jars / cake place unused, or under their mattress. So when things needed to live taking the place of their personal savings, and finish are emergency problems that occur on them.
So how do you prepare your emergency fund and how much should you set aside?
Many financial advisers recommend that if you get a fairly high debt and interest have enough bounce, then disappears! ha .. ha .. (just kidding), the first you do pay your debt that has high interest debt before your due date, so as not exposed to interest.
If you are serious in preparing your emergency fund as part of your household budget, then start from a small, secondary consumption of money you set aside if there is no emergency incidents that occur. All you need to open up your emergency savings up to $ 1000 the early months (Customize with your income, 10% of your income). But if you still have debts, finish your debts first.
Once you free from your credit card and your debts the other, only then can start quietly arrange your permanent emergency fund. Try to keep your emergency fund is composed of 3 to 6 months, so the fund was ready to be used as an emergency fund, but if within that time period there was no emergency incident will continue preparing your emergency fund, with the same amount. and customize to your income!.
There are some good places to keep your emergency fund, a savings of cuts every month or that have a minimal monthly fee or small. and if you can where you store is very easy to access and easy when there are emergency purposes. Do not use deposits to keep your emergency fund.
By preparing the household budget and your emergency fund, your job becomes more calm and focused, and start for a better future, a happy family.